Sunday, March 29, 2015

Healthy Spring / Summer Treats!

It's 90 degrees outside, and we want something to cool us down, without all the calories and sugar. Well, now you can make yummy treats that are good for your body!!

Watermelon Slushie

1. watermelon
2. Lime Juice (or one lime)
3. Honey

1. Slice watermelon and put in blender, but don't blend yet!

2. Slice lime in half and squeeze juice into the blender with the watermelon. 

3. Squirt honey into it as well! (this adds some sweetness to it, but it is all natural sugar, so you decide how much to add depending on if you like sweets )

4. Blend!

5. Once it is all blended, pour mixture into a square baking dish. 

6. Put in freezer overnight or until hard. 

7. Get fork or spoon and scrape into bowl and enjoy!

Coconut Peach Lemonade

1. two TBSP of honey
2. two cups of coconut water
3. two ripe peaches (pit removed)
4. juice from 4 lemons (fresh squeezed)
5. ice

1. Put honey, coconut water, 2 peaches, and juice of lemons in your blender. (add ice if you want to make it a Slushie.) 

2. blend until smooth

3. Strain optional

4. Serve over ice and enjoy! 

These treats are very yummy and healthy! Hope you enjoy these! :)

Have a great day!


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Recent Music Obsessions


I LOVE music. I can't go a day without it! I love everything music related! I mean, music. is. life. That being said, I'm going to tell y'all my recant band obsessions and song obsessions!

1. Casting Crowns
2. One Direction
3. Glee Cast (I know they aren't technically a band but...)
4. Carrie Underwood

1. Broken Together by Casting Crowns
2. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
3. Night Changes by One Direction
4. Home by Phillip Phillips
5. This Is Now by Casting Crowns
6. Half A Heart by OneDirection 
7. Sad Song (feat. Elena Coats) by We The Kings
8. Summer Love by One Direction
9. Something in the Water by Carrie Underwood
10. Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood

So those are my TOP 10 favorite songs! Also, if you have Spotify (which I HIGHLY recommend) my username is AnnaCJohnst ! So you can listen to all of my favorite songs!

What are your favorite songs? Do you like these? 

What would y'all like posts about? Please comment and tell me!!

Hope you have a great day! :)


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Running late to school? Hair, makeup and outfit!

So we've all had those days. We don't want to get up when the alarm clock rings, and it ends up costing us... big time. But we have to get ready! What do we do?! Well here are some outfits, hair, and makeup for those days!

You can do your hair in many ways when you are running late, but when I'm running late, I usually put mine up in a ponytail or a messy bun. 

1. Ponytail
For a ponytail, tease the hair on the top of your head (for volume.) Then pull it back. Add a ribbon or bow to accessorize!

2. Messy Bun
Gather all your hair into one hand. Twist your hair, and wrap around your head. Pull out pieces of hair around your face and on the back of your head for the messy affect!

With makeup, less is always more! That being said, if you wake up late, no worries! When I'm running late in the mornings, I put on mascara and put some white eye shadow in the corner of my eye to make me look more awake. And that's it!

I use the Maybelline Great Lash mascara. It is in a pink bottle with a green top :)

I always pick out my outfit the night before, or at least try to. But on a day that I forget to lay out my outfit and I wake up late, I usually grab a pair of jeans and put on an Avengers shirt, or I grab leggings and out on a cute t-shirt.

I wear converse or combat boots with most outfits. But in the winter with my leggings, I usually wear my Chestnut colored Uggs. It makes the outfit look a little more dressed up, and it looks cute! I would wear white converse with an avengers shirt and skinny jeans. (I cuff my jeans at the bottom to look more fashionable.)

So I hope this helped! What do y'all do on days you are running late? What do y'all want to see blog posts about?


How to get soft hair

People are constantly asking me how I get soft hair! So I thought I would share my routine to get softer hair!

Curly hair twinning with Gabby!
1. I use the "Mane & Tail" shampoo and conditioner. I have found that since I have used this, my hair has become increasingly healthier and my hair has grown a lot faster! I know it is horse shampoo, but humans can use it too! :)

2. I brush my hair before I take my shower. This way the conditioner gets all over my hair and doesn't get caught in the knots. It helps a ton, believe me.

3.  I put in my shampoo, but I DO NOT SCRUB        IT IN. This damages the hair. Instead, I lightly          put it on. The hair still gets clean, but in a less            harsher way. Since my hair is less damaged, it is        softer.

  4. After I rinse the shampoo, I put on the   conditioner and leave it in for 5 minutes. I know this may seem like a long time, but this gives it time to soak in. While you are waiting, you can wash off, sing a little bit, or think on life problems!

5. I trim my split ends every 2-3 months. It doesn't take long to do, and it makes my hair look a lot fresher, and overall makes it less frizzy. Less frizzy hair= softer hair!

6.After I shower, I use this brush ^. I found it at Publix for $12, and let me tell you, it works wonders! This brush dries your hair as you use it, and it has made my hair 20 times softer! It also makes my hair look fresher and less frizzy.

I hope this helps you make your hair softer! Always comment with any questions you have, and what you would like future posts about!


Welcome to my happy blog!

I'm the girl on the right :)
Hey everybody! Welcome to my new blog. This is a blog where  I will be talking about fashion trends, diy crafts, music, books I've read,beauty, and anything girly! And I'll be posting some of the pictures I take too! :) I will try to post once a week ( or more) with tips for you guys!

You can always comment with questions for me. I hope y'all enjoy my blog!
